Name: Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies in Translation and Interpreting (IPSKT – Interdyscyplinarne Podyplomowe Studium Kształcenia Tłumaczy)
Head: dr Eryk Stachurski
ul. Dobra 55, 00-312 Warszawa
Secretariat of the Institute of Applied Linguistics, room nr 00.101
Phone: +48 22 5526033
Fax: +48 22 5526032
E-mail: podyplomowe.ils@uw.edu.pl
The Secretariat is open on teaching session Saturdays, between 8.30 and 11.30, room 00.101.
Type of the study programme: 2-semester, postgraduate, paid.
Objective: teaching translation skills in the field of legal and court translation, as well as preparing for the profession of a sworn translator.
Offered Languages: English, French, German, Russian, Italian and Spanish.
The study programme (available in Polish – download the PDF file) comprises both theoretical and practical courses. Classes include lectures and workshops. Courses end with receiving a credit, receiving a credit and a grade, or with an examination.
Duration of the programme: Classes are conducted at weekends, 9 weekends per semester for a total of 20 class hours (180 hours per semester). The total for the entire programme is 360 class hours.