dr Stephanie Weismann
- Position: Assistant
- Department:
- Room: 3.611
- E-mail: s.weismann@uw.edu.pl, stephanie.weismann@oead-lektorat.at
- Duty hours: Tuesday 11:30-12:30
- Master in Comparative Literature, German Philology and Slavic Studies (Russian), Vienna University, 2002
- Ph.D. in humanities, Vienna University, 2015
Research interests:
- Cultural and Social History of East Central Europe in the 19th/20th century
- Sensory Studies
- History of Experience, History of Emotions
- Cultural Anthropology
Teaching experience:
- German language workshops (A1 – C1)
- regional and cultural studies within foreign language teaching
- cultural history of Austria and Central Europe (area studies)
Professional experience:
- PI of Citizen-Science-Project “Wien der Nase nach”, University of Vienna; March-October 2023
- Research associate of IDUB-project, University of Warsaw, 2023/2024
- PI of Postdoc project “Lublin Nosewise. An Olfactory History of Poland in the 20th century”, University of Vienna 2018 – 2022
- Language Instructor (German), preparatory classes for incoming students [University of Vienna], language instructor for integration classes [Österreichische Orient-Gesellschaft Hammer-Purgstall] 2008 – 2010
- Lecturer for German Language, Austrian Literature and the History of Central Europe, German Department, University of Sarajevo/Bosnia & Hercegovina [Austrian Exchange Service, OeAD] 2004 – 2008
- Language Assistant for German at the Pedagogical University of Voronezh/Russia [Austrian Exchange Service, OeAD] 2003 – 2004
Przynależność do organizacji i stowarzyszeń naukowych:
- Research Platform Transformations and Eastern Europe, Universität Wien
- PastScent, Teil von Odeuropa, einem transdisziplinären Horizon2020-Projekts, welches Wissenschaftler:innen, Künstler:innen, Kulturerbe-Spezialist:innen, Digitales Erbe-Expert:innen, Parfumeur:innen versammelt, die zu olfaktorischem Kulturerbe und Geruchsforschung arbeiten.
Scholarships/research grants/fellowships:
- Citizen-Science-funding [City of Vienna „Vom Wissen der Vielen“], 2023
- IDUB-grant for project “Walking.Feeling.Incorporating. Embodied Knowledge and Sensory Memory in the Polish-Czech-German Borderlands.” [University of Warsaw], 2023/24
- POLONISTA-Fellow [NAWA], Institute for Polish Culture, University of Warsaw/PL, 2022/23
- Hertha Firnberg-fellowship [FWF], Institute for Eastern European History, University of Vienna and Research Center for the History of Transformation (RECET), 2018 – 2021
- Aleksander-Brückner guest lecturer [DAAD] at Aleksander Brückner-Center for Polish Studies, MLU Halle/D, 2017/2018
- POLONEZ-fellowship [NCN], Institute for Cultural Studies, Marie-Curie-Skłodowska-University Lublin/PL, 2017/2018
- Research fellowships by the German Historical Institute in Warsaw [DHI], 2016, 2020
- “Maria Jahoda-Grant” [University of Vienna], Institute for East European History; 2014 –2015
- Doctoral student, interdisciplinary doctoral program “Habsburg Galicia and its Multicultural Heritage”, University of Vienna [FWF] 2008 – 2010
Haid, E., Weismann, S., & Wöller, B. (2013). Galizien. Peripherie der Moderne – Moderne der Peripherie? Tagungen zur Ostmitteleuropaforschung; 31. https://doi.org/10.25355/130
“Das Potenzial der Peripherie. Leopold von Sacher-Masoch (1836 – 1895) und Galizien” (= Wiener Galizien-Studien 2), Vienna University Press 2017 (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht) https://doi.org/10.14220/9783737007849
Artykuły (wybór):
- Weismann, S. (forthcoming 2023). Between Soir de Paris and Red Moscow: The Olfactory Frontlines in Polish Perfumery. In: Cold War and the Senses Hrsg. Bodo Mrozek) Perspectives on Sensory History Series/Penn State University Press
- (2022) AHR Conversation on Smell, Heritage, and History, mit William Tullett, Inger Leeman u.a. American Historical Review https://doi.org/10.1093/ahr/rhac147
- Weismann, S. (2022), „Es war ein anderer Geruch als in anderen Teilen der Stadt.“ Zur Eigensinnlichkeit der Altstadt von Lublin, in: Sinnesräume (Hrsg.Ellinor Forster, Regina Thumser-Wöhs), Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, 2/2022 https://doi.org/10.25365/oezg-2022-33-1-7
- Weismann, S. (2021). Odorogenne zwierzęta w międzywojennym Lublinie [Odoriferous Animals in Interwar Lublin]. Almanach Antropologiczny. Communicare. Tom 8. 3 Miasta/Zwierzęta [Animals and the City] (open access), https://doi.org/10.31338/uw.9788323548805
- Weismann, S. (2020). Es liegt was in der Luft. Geruchslandschaften der Volksrepublik Polen im Wandel. L’homme. Europäische Zeitschrift für feministische Geschichtswissenschaft, 30(2), 73–94; special issue: Verstörte Sinne (Hrsg.Ulrike Krampl, Regina Schulte) https://doi.org/10.14220/LHOM.2020.31.2.73
- Olga Drenda, Polnische Geisterkunde oder Hauntology auf Polnisch. Dinge und Menschen in Zeiten der Transformation. (translation of selected chapters of Olga Drenda‘s “Duchologia polska. Rzeczy i ludzie w latach transformacji” into German), in: Jahrbuch des Zentrums für Historische Forschung Berlin der Polnischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2021/14