dr Barbara Kaczyńska
- Position: assistant
- Department: Literary Communications Studies
- Room: 3.611
- E-mail: b.kaczynska@uw.edu.pl
- Duty hours: Monday 13:00-14:00
- Master in Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw, 2016 (thesis: Métafiction dans la littérature enfantine en traduction. D’après l’exemple des traductions polonaise et française du cycle A Series of Unfortunate Events de Lemony Snicket)
- Master in History, University of Warsaw2018 (thesis Wokabularz trydencki na tle leksykografii średniowiecznej)
- D. in literary studies, University of Warsaw, 2022 (thesis Francuska XVII- i XVIII-wieczna baśń literacka i jej recepcja w polskiej literaturze dla dzieci w latach 1743–2018)
Research interests
- history of literary translation
- cross-cultural literary communication
- sociology of literature and translation
- anthropology of literature and translation
- translation of children’s literature
- fairy tales and myths
Teaching experience
- Communicative Competence Development (ILS UW)
- Translation of cultural texts (ILS UW)
- French-language literature (ILS UW)
- Discourse and translation (ILS UW)
- Computer-aided translation (WSTiJO)
- Cultural aspects in translation (WSTiJO)
- Academic writing in English (WSTiJO)
- Contemporary English-language literature (WSTiJO)
- History of English-speaking countries (WSTiJO)
- Introduction to literary studies (WSTiJO)
- Introduction to translation studies (WSTiJO)
Professional experience
- translator for the translation agency Expresso (since 2022)
- translator for the translation agency Summa Linguae (2015–2017)
Organising experience (list of conferences and scholarly sessions organised):
- Rector’s Representative for Education Quality (WSTiJO, 2023–2024)
- President of the Doctoral Students’ Council at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics (WLS UW, 2019–2021)
- Member of the Board of the Fairy Tales Student Club (Koło Naukowe Baśni, Literatury Dziecięcej i Młodzieżowej i Fantastyki UW); conferences organised:
- Potworne narracje. Monstrualne imaginarium w literaturze dziecięcej, młodzieżowej i fantastycznej (2019)
- Stoliczku, nakryj się! Literatura dziecięca, młodzieżowa i fantastyczna w perspektywie studiów nad jedzeniem (2021)
Publications: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0421-9205