dr Anna Fornalczyk-Lipska
Update: 2025-02-20
- Position: Assistant Professor
- Department: Semiotics
- Room: 3.047
- E-mail: a.fornalczyk@uw.edu.pl
- Duty hours: Tuesday 13-14 (prior e-mail contact required), Friday 10-11 (online)
Degrees obtained
- MA in Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw, 2004
- PhD in the humanities (English linguistics), University of Warsaw, 2009
- literary onomastics
- children’s literature
- translation
Teaching experience
- English workshops (communicative competence)
- English workshops (introduction to translation)
- Translation workshops
- Translation of culture-related texts
- Translation of literary texts
- Cultural aspects of children’s literature
- Translating children’s literature
- MA seminar
Member of conference teams:
- GLOBE 2006: Communicating across age groups: Age, language and society (Institute of Applied Linguistics)
Papers read at international conferences:
- 24-26 X 2024 Children’s Literature and European Identities, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
- 5–6 III 2024 Language and values. Linguistic communication from an axiolinguistic perspective, University of Lodz
- 20-21 IX 2023 Between words – between worlds. Intercultural communication in translation, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
- 17-19 XI 2022 Fostering Dialogue: Teaching Children’s Literature and Culture at University, University of Padova
- 22-25 VI 2022 Advancing Translation Studies, 10th European Society for Translation Studies Congress, Oslo, Norway
- 19-21 V 2022 First Congress of Polish Translation Studies, Jagiellonian University, Cracow
- 4-5 XI 2021 Literary Translation Studies Today & Tomorrow, PETRA-E Conference, Trinity College Dublin
- 26-30 X 2021 Aesthetic and Pedagogic Entanglements, IRSCL Congress, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
- 5-7 VI 2019 Czynnik ludzki w przekładzie literackim – teorie, historie, praktyki (Poznań) / The human factor in literary translation – theories, histories, practices
- 17-19 V 2019 Staging the literary translator. Roles, identities, personalities (Vienna)
- 28 V 2017 Humorousness/Seriousness Dichotomy in Language, Culture and Literature (Siedlce)
- 20-22 V 2017 April Conference Fourteen (Kraków)
- 16-18 VI 2016 Horrible Histories? Children’s Lives in Historical Contexts (London)
- 6-8 VI 2016 The 7th Conference on Childhood Studies: Childhood in Everyday Life (Turku)
- 19-21 V 2016 The Child and the Book Conference: Children’s Literature and Play (Wrocław)
- 7 IV 2016 Pedagog, nauczyciel, doradca, terapeuta w sytuacji zróżnicowania kulturowego (Poznań)
- 17 III 2016 Przekład literacki dzisiaj i jutro (Warszawa)
- XI 2014 Linguistics Beyond and Within (Lublin)
- IX 2014 War and words (Wrocław)
- VIII 2013 International Research Society for Children’s Literature (Children’s Literature and Media Cultures, Maastricht)
- III 2013 Asociación Nacional de Investigación en Literatura Infantil y juvenil (¿Me traduces una historia?: la traducción en ámbito infantil y juvenil; Bolonia/Forli)
- X 2011 The Body in Language: Lexicon, Metaphor, Grammar and Culture (Warszawa)
- IX 2011 International Conference on Onomastics “Name and Naming”. Multiethnic Connections in anthroponymy (Baia Mare)
- VI 2011 Literature. Children. Time (Lviv)
- IV 2011 Mody w literaturze i kulturze popularnej (Olsztyn)
- II 2008 ISSCL Sixth Annual Conference: What do we tell the children? (Dublin)
- IX 2007 Translation and Intrepreting in the 21st century: mission and challenges (Vilnius)
- IX 2007 Imago Mundi (Warsaw)
- IX 2006 GLOBE: Communicating across age groups: Age, language and society (Warsaw)
- VI 2006 Humour – theory, practice, applications (Piotrków Trybunalski)
- XI 2005 Imago Mundi (Warsaw)
Guest lectures
- research in children’s and young adult literature: translation and current trends – University of Illinois, Chicago 2014
- Polish children’s literature – University of Arizona, Tucson 2014
- nomina propria and translation – Translingua Student Society, University of Social Sciences, Warszawa 2013
- cultural aspects of fairy tales; picture books and illustrations – Universidad de Vigo, Spain, the teaching staff mobility (STA) Erasmus Programme 2012
- children’s literature: introduction and genres – Universidad de Vigo, Spain, Erasmus STA 2011
- 2014 Kościuszko Foundation scholarship (University of Arizona, USA)
- 2008, 2009 research fellowship in Internationale Jugendbibliothek (Munich, Germany)
- 2002/2003 DAAD Stipendium (Universität Heidelberg)
- Translation Practice Coordinator (from October 2013)
- coordinator of language C – English Workshops, level 3 and 4 (2005-2007)