dr hab. Anna Jopek-Bosiacka
- Position: Associate Professor; Director of the Institute
- Department: Discourse Studies
- Room: 2.610
- E-mail: a.jopek-bosiacka@uw.edu.pl
- Duty hours: Wednesdays 11:30-12:30 (2.610) stationary (after agreement)
- Thursdays 11:00-12:00 (2.610) stationary (after agreement)
- Other online terms (after e-mail agreement)
- M.A. in Applied Linguistics (Russian, English), University of Warsaw (1997)
- M.A. in Law, University of Warsaw (2001)
- Ph.D. in English Linguistics, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland (2003)
Research interests
- legal translation and specialized translation
- discourse analysis
- pragmatics
- cross-cultural communication
Teaching experience
- legal and specialized translation
- law terminology
- legal discourse analysis
- specialized communication
Professional experience
- assistant professor (adiunkt), Institute of Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Applied Linguistics, Warsaw University, 2003-2015
- deputy head for International Cooperation, Institute of Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw, 2012-2014
- head of Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies for Court Translators and Interpreters, Institute of Applied Linguistics, Warsaw University, 2005-2007
- Founder and academic supervisor of Legal Linguistics Student Society (since 2006)
Organising experience (list of conferences and scholarly sessions organised):
- Globe 2013 „Tekst naukowy wczoraj i dziś: wiedza – język (dyskurs) – przekład naukowy” [Scientific Text Yesterday and Today: Knowledge – Language (Discourse) – Scientific Translation] (20-22 May 2013, University of Warsaw, co-organizer)
- Legal Linguistics Student Society (advisor since 2005): conferences, workshops and thematic sessions, e.g.
- „Ekwiwalencja w tłumaczeniu prawnym – teoria i praktyka” (2006) [Equivalence in Legal Translation: Theory and Practice];
- „Proces legislacyjny – normy, czas i bariery języka” (2007) [Legislative Process: Norms, Time and Language Barriers], co-organized with other Warsaw University student societies: Lingua iuris and Legislator;
- „Tłumacz w Unii Europejskiej” [Translator in the European Union] under the auspices of the European Commission Representation in Poland (2012);
- „Komunikacja międzykulturowa w prawie” (2013) [Cross-Cultural Communication in Law], co-organized with Law & Language section of the Lege Artis Student Society of Kozminski University and the Kozminski University Theory and Philosophy of Law Chair)
- International conference „Language and Law: Legal Communication in an Interdisciplinary Perspective” (with the Institute of Theory of State and Law of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw and CNRS – Centre national de la Recherche scientifique, ATILF – Analyse et Traitement informatique de la Langue française and Nancy 2 University), University of Warsaw, 2-4 December 2004, co-organizer
Professional organisations – membership
- Member of the Polish Legal Language Committee of the Polish Language Council at the Presidium of the Polish Academy of Sciences (since 2005)
- Expert member of TEPIS (Polish Society of Sworn and Specialised Translators)
- Member of International Language and Law Association
- Member of the Editorial Board of Lingua Legis (since 2012)
- Editor-in-Chief of Lingua Legis (since 2015)
Scholarships/research grants/fellowships
- University of Westminster, Centre for Translation and Interpreting, London, UK (legal translation seminars – Erasmus Staff Mobility Program), 2014
- Research visit at the University of Amsterdam, Discourse and Argumentation Studies (Socrates Program), tutor: prof. T. A. van Dijk), 1999
Guest lectures
- City University London, MA Legal Translation Program, EU translation workshops, 2012, 2013
- legal adviser (radca prawny) at the Provincial Chamber of Legal Advisers in Warsaw (Okręgowa Izba Radców Prawnych w Warszawie) admitted to practice law in Poland since 2009
- English Sworn Translator at the Provincial Court in Warsaw since 2001