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prof. ucz. dr hab. Małgorzata Gaszyńska-Magiera



  • Duty hours during the examination session:
    18.06 (Tuesday) 10-11 room 2.020
    20.06 (Thursday) 9-10 online (after prior e-mail arrangement)
    Video call link: https://meet.google.com/obz-bnaq-udu
    25.06 (Wednesday) 9-10 online (after prior e-mail arrangement) Link to video call: https://meet.google.com/obz-bnaq-udu
    26.06 (Thursday) 16.-17 room 2.020


  • Duty hours:  Tuesday 13:00-13:45 (except weeks with Institute Council or Faculty Council meetings)
    Tuesday 10:45-11:30 (in weeks with Institute Council or Faculty Council meetings)
    Thursday (online)   9-10 (after prior arrangement in person or by e-mail)
    Link to video call: https://meet.google.com/eyd-setq-xfh


  • Consultations during the winter examination session (online) (after prior e-mail arrangement):
    Tuesday, January 30, 12.00-13:00
    Thursday, February 1, 9:00-10:00
    Video call link: https://meet.google.com/eyd-setq-xfh

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