dr Dariusz Koźbiał
- Position: Assistant Professor (research-teaching staff)
- EUMultilingua Research Team Member
- Room: 3.049
- E-mail: d.kozbial@uw.edu.pl
- Duty hours: Fri. 4.45 pm–6.15 pm (stationary/online by appointment)
- ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4395-3138
Updated: [last-modified]
Doctoral degree:
- PhD degree in humanities in the field of linguistics (cum laude), full-time doctoral studies, dissertation: “Translation of Judgments: A Corpus Study of the Textual Fit of EU to Polish Judgments”, supervisor: dr hab. Łucja Biel, Faculty of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw, 2020
MA and BA studies:
- Law, full-time long-cycle MA programme, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw, 2023
- Applied linguistics (teaching and translation specialisation, English and German), full-time second-cycle studies, Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw, 2015
- Philology, English Language Teaching (teaching specialisation), full-time first-cycle studies, Centre for Foreign Language Teacher Training and European Education, University of Warsaw, 2013
Research interests:
- Legal translation
- Legal linguistics
- Corpus linguistics
- Discourse analysis
Research projects:
- “Legal Latin From an Interdisciplinary Perspective” (principal investigator), National Science Centre grant (Sonata 19), 2024-…
- PhD student-scholarship holder in the research project “The Eurolect: An EU Variant of Polish and its Impact on Administrative Polish” (Polish National Science Centre grant no. 2014/14/E/HS2/00782, Sonata BIS, Principal Investigator: dr hab. Łucja Biel), Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw, 2015–2020
- “MUST – Multilingual Student Translation”, Centre for English Corpus Linguistics, Université catholique de Louvain, 2017–…
- “Training Action for Legal Practitioners: Linguistic Skills and Translation in EU Competition Law” (HT.4983/SI2.738977), programme: “The Training of National Judges Programme of the European Union”, European Commission (DG Competition), 2017
Teaching experience:
- lecture in the European Master’s in Conference Interpreting (EMCI) post-graduate programme at the Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw: EU law and its institutions
- translation classes in the MA programme at the Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw (Translation of texts related to national law, Translation of texts related to EU and international law, Translation of texts related to political and social issues, Machine translation and post-editing, Computer-aided translation (CAT))
- CIUTI PhD Award, competition for the best PhD dissertation in the field of translation and interpretation (Conférence internationale permanente d’instituts universitaires de traducteurs et interprètes)
- doctoral scholarship from the subsidy for financing quality-oriented tasks, 2015–2016, 2017–2020
- BWZ UW (International Relations Office, University of Warsaw) scholarship, course: “Übersetzen/Einführung ins Dolmetschen”, Internationale Sommerschule Germersheim, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz in Germersheim, Germany, 2018
- DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) scholarship, course: “Deutsch für Fach- und Wissenschaftskommunikation”, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany, 2014
- Translation traineeship, European Parliament (DGTRAD-PL), Luxembourg, 2016
- One-year course in law and legal translation (English), TexteM, Warsaw, Poland, 2014–2015
See also: