mgr Agata Balińska
- Position: Assistant
- Department: Interpreting Studies and Audiovisual Translation
- Room: 2.026
- E-mail: agata.balinska(at)
- Duty hours:
- in summer semester: Tuesday 13:15–14:00 (online, by appointment), Monday: 18.15–19.00 (by appointment),
- in winter semester: Tuesday 13:15–14:00 (online, by appointment), Thursday: 16.45–17.30 (by appointment).
- ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1810-8832
- MA in the field of Applied Linguistics, major in Foreign Language teaching and Translation/Interpretation (English and Russian), Faculty of Applied Linguistics, the University of Warsaw, 2015, (MA thesis The intralingual translation or rewording of British and American children’s literature on the basis of the British and American versions of the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling supervised by prof. UW dr hab. Krzysztof Hejwowski).
- BA in the field of Oriental Studies, major in Japanese Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies, the University of Warsaw, 2015 (BA thesis The role of women of the way of tea in Japan throughout the ages supervised by prof. dr hab. Ewa Pałasz-Rutkowska).
- Doctoral Studies at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics (UW) – supervisor prof. dr hab. Małgorzata Tryuk, title of the dissertation: Japanese translation pedagogy: current state, needs and the future (Dydaktyka przekładu z języka japońskiego i na język japoński: stan obecny, potrzeby, przyszłość), Field of specialization: language teaching, translation and interpretation (English and Russian),
- MA Studies – five-year program, full time studies at the Institute of Applied Linguistics (UW),
- BA Studies – three-year program, full time studies at the Chair of Japanese Studies (UW), Field of specialization: Japanese Studies.
Research interests:
- teaching translation,
- neurolinguistics,
- neurobiology,
- translation studies,
- psycholinguistics,
- intralingual translation,
- interpreting and audiovisual translation,
- corpus linguistics,
- eye-tracking,
- history of translation,
- oriental studies,
- localization
Organizational experience:
- Conference organization: The 3rd International Conference on Community Translation Mundi at the Institute of Applied Linguistics 2023,
- Conference organization: Imago Mundi at the Institute of Applied Linguistics 2018,
- Conference organization: student and PhD candidate conference during the Days of Japan 2012.
Teaching experience at the Institute of Applied Linguistics:
- 2021–now: Localization – 2nd year BA studies (in cooperation with Mikołaj Szwed, MA),
- 2020–now: Communicative Competence Development of Language B – English writing workshop 2nd year BA studies,
- 2019–now: Essentials of translation (written intercultural mediation) – language C and B – English translation workshop, 1st and 2nd year BA studies,
- 2019–now: Communicative Competence Development of Language B and C English – English writing workshop 1st year BA studies,
- 2019–2020: Translation of science- and technology-related texts – level 1 & 2, 2nd year Applied linguistics, Extramural, MA program,
- 2019–2020: Translation of culture-related texts (B and C language) – English 1st year MA studies,
- 2018–2019: Translation of specialist texts – English (teacher’s choice) 1st year Applied linguistics, Extramural, MA program,
- 2017: Introduction to Neurolinguistics – Neurobiological Basis of Language 1st year MA studies at Language and society – interdisciplinary discourse study.
- 2017 & 2020: Translation of specialized texts – teacher’s choice (B and C language) – English, 2nd year of MA studies,
- 2016–2020: English Translation Workshops – level 1 (Language C), 2nd year BA studies,
- 2016–2019: Language B and C – English Translation Workshops – level 2 (economics, sociology and politics; geography and tourism), 3rd year BA studies.
- Balińska, A. M. (2022). Rola japońskich tłumaczy z języków zachodnich w Japonii w czasach izolacji (1639–1853)/The role of Japanese interpreters and translators from Western Languages in Japan during the isolation period (1639–1853). [In:] I. Rutkowska et al. [red.]. Porta Orientalis. Orient w badaniach młodych naukowców/Young Researchers on the Orient (15–30). Poznań: Rys. DOI: 48226/978-83-67287-46-3.
- Balińska, A. M. (2020). The Intralingual Translation or Rewording of British and American Literary Works on the Basis of Children’s and Young Adult Literature. Między Oryginałem a Przekładem 26(47): 139–164, DOI: 12797/MOaP.26.2020.47.07.
- “Kształcenie tłumaczy na studiach japonistycznych na państwowych uczelniach wyższych w Polsce w kontekście modelu kompetencji European Master’s in Translation (EMT)/ Translator education in Japanese studies programes at state universities in Poland in the context of the European Master’s in Translation (EMT) competence model” – scheduled publication (in Polish),
- “Elements of nature in Japanese festivals, as seen in festival floats” – scheduled publication (in English),
- „Kim jest tłumacz z języka japońskiego? O wynikach badania ankietowego przeprowadzonych wśród absolwentów i studentów ostatnich lat studiów japonistycznych oraz tłumaczy z języka japońskiego/ Who is a Japanese language translator? The results of survey of graduate and undergraduate students in Japanese studies and Japanese translators” – scheduled publication (in Polish),
- “The fūryūmono of Hitachi City – the phenomenon of giant matsuri floats” – scheduled publication (in English),
- “United States Navy Japanese Language School in Boulder and its alumni – a lasting legacy” – scheduled publication (in English)
Papers read at conferences:
- NEW Insights Through Revision of the OLD: Changes, Chances and Challenges from Ancient Times to the Global Era Japan, presentation title: “Japanese Studies and Japanese language university programs in Poland and in other European countries: a translation competence perspective”, 30 November 2023 (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń) in English,
- Porta Orientalis – Young Researches on the Orient, 3rd edition, presentation title: “The fūryūmono of Hitachi City – the phenomenon of giant matsuri floats”, 23 November 2023 (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland) in English,
- The 17th Annual Days Of Japan at The University of Warsaw “Japan Through the Lens of Foreign Relations: Historical Perspectives on Contemporary Issues”, presentation title: “United States Navy Japanese Language School in Boulder and its alumni – a lasting legacy”, 23 October 2023 (University of Warsaw, Poland) in English,
- Przestrzenie przekładu 8, presentation title: „Kim jest tłumacz z języka japońskiego? O wynikach badania ankietowego przeprowadzonych wśród absolwentów i studentów ostatnich lat studiów japonistycznych oraz tłumaczy z języka japońskiego/ Who is a Japanese language translator? The results of survey of graduate and undergraduate students in Japanese studies and Japanese translators”, 20 October 2023 (University of Silesia, Poland) in Polish,
- Translation, Interpreting & Culture 2023 “Virality and Isolation in the Era of Deepening Divides”; presentation title: “The didactics of Japanese language translation and interpreting in Poland: the needs, the present, and the future”, 20 September 2023 (Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia) in English,
- The 8th edition of the International Conference “Between Wor(l)ds”, titled Intercultural Communication in Translation, presentation title: „Kształcenie tłumaczy z języka japońskiego na uczelniach wyższych w kontekście modelu kompetencji sieci European Masters in Translation (EMT)/Japanese translator education in Japanese studies programes in the context of the European Master’s in Translation (EMT) competence model”, 20 April 2023 (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland) in Polish,
- The 16th Annual Days of Japan at the University of Warsaw International Commemorating the 90th Anniversary of the Oriental Studies at the University of Warsaw International Conference: Cultural and literary tradition of Japan – forms, images, language: „The History of Translating Genji Monogatari into English”, 18 October 2022 (University of Warsaw, Poland) in English,
- Oriental Studies for the Future – International Conference Organized On the Occasion of the 90th Anniversary of Oriental Studies at the University of Warsaw: „Training of Japanese Translators and Interpreters within the Higher Education System”, 30 June 2022 (University of Warsaw, Poland),
- Practicing Japan. 35 years of Japanese Studies in Poznań and Kraków: “Japanese translator and interpreter training: current state and needs”, 26 March 2022 (Jagiellonian University in Kraków and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland) in English,
- The 15th Annual Days of Japan, presentation title: “Elements of nature in Japanese festivals, as seen in festival floats”, 15 November 2021 (University of Warsaw, Poland) in English,
- Porta Orientalis – Young Researches on the Orient, 1st edition, presentation title: “The role of Japanese interpreters and translators in the isolation period (17th–19th c.) and Meiji Period (1868–1912), 28 May 2021 (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland) in Polish,
- Doctoral Festival of Open Science, presentation title: “The role of Japanese interpreter families during the isolation period (17th–19th c.)”, 25 September 2020 (University of Warsaw, Poland) in Polish,
- Imago Mundi, presentation title: “The Intralingual Translation or Rewording of British and American Literary Works on the Basis of Children’s and Young Adult Literature”, 29 June 2019 (University of Warsaw, Poland) in Polish,
- Social Innovations – digital technologies, presentation title: “Neuroimaging techniques in researching brains of translators”, 16 March 2016 (UW) in Polish,
- Annual Days of Japan, presentation title: “Oribe ware in the context of Japanese pottery and kilns”, 17 October 2012 (University of Warsaw, Poland), in English.
Attendance at conferences without presentations:
- Society for Neurobiology of Language Congress, London 17–20 August 2016,
- The 5th International Conference “Brain Day”, Szczecin 9 April 2016.
Membership in societies and associations:
- Member of Chadō Urasenke Tankōkai Warsaw Sunshin Association (since June 2008), Nyūmon, Konarai i Chabako (since March 2013),
- Member of Society for the neurobiology of language: 2016–2019,
- Member of the PhD Students Council of the Faculty of Applied Linguistics UW: 2015/2016 2016/2017, 2017/2018,
- Delegate to the Faculty Council at the Faculty of Oriental Studies UW: 2011/2012, 2012/2013.
- Member of the Student Council Board of the Institute of Applied Linguistics UW: 2005/2006, 2006/2007, 2007/2008, 2008/2009,
- Delegate to the Institute Council at the Institute of Applied Linguistics UW: 2006/2007, 2007/2008, 2017/2018,
- Delegate to the Faculty Council at the Faculty for Applied Linguistics UW formerly the Faculty of Applied Linguistics and East-Slavonic Languages: 2007/2008, 2008/2009.
Training courses:
- 22 & 29.06.2023: Creating a syllabus in practice, UW (ZIP – University’s Integrated Development Programme)
- 05.2023: Students on the autism spectrum. Ways to communicate with students on the autism spectrum, UW (ZIP – University’s Integrated Development Programme)
- 8 & 15.05.2023: Workshop on contact with persons after a mental health crisis in academic teaching, UW (ZIP – University’s Integrated Development Programme)
- 04.2023: Assessment and gradebook on the Campus platform – advanced training, CKC (Digital Competence Centre) UW
- 04.2023: Scientist! Learn about Mendeley, UW and Elsevier.
- 04.2023: Tasks on the Kampus platform – advanced training, CKC (Digital Competence Centre) UW
- 04.2023: Creating interactive teaching materials on the Kampus platform: H5P tools, CKC (Digital Competence Centre) UW.
- 03, 06.04.2023: Building websites for research activities, UW (IDUB: Excellence Initiative – Research University).
- 03.2023: How and where to look for scientific literature, BUW (University of Warsaw Library)
- 03.2023: Student peer-review – the Workshop Took on the Kampus platform: advanced training, CKC (Digital Competence Centre) UW.
- 03.2023: Tools and organization of group work on the Kampus platform: advanced training, CKC (Digital Competence Centre) UW.
- 02.2023: ScienceDirect for researchers, UW and Elsevier.
- 01.2023: Publication strategies for the international journal market, UW (IDUB: Excellence Initiative – Research University).
- 12.2022: Training for didactic staff: working with students and doctoral candidates with special education needs, including persons with disabilities, persons with chronic illnesses, persons with learning difficulties and persons on the autism spectrum, UW (BON)
- 11–1.12.2022: Research data management and legal aspects of research data sharing, UW (IDUB: Excellence Initiative – Research University).
- March 2021–April 2021: Introduction to research methods in applied linguistics, School for International Science (SIS UW) at the Faculty of Modern Languages, UW.
- 10.2020: How to use RepOD? Webinar, University of Warszawski, Platforma Otwartej Nauki (Open Science Platform).
- 10.2020: National Science Centre: Training for applicants, NCN (NSC).
- June 2019–September 2019: Writing in the Sciences, Stanford University at
- 01.2016: Cambridge English scale for the FCE & CAE exams uncovered, the British Council.
- 12.2015: Workshop on Research Data Management, ICM (Data Science Centre) UW
- 11.2015: Publish and don’t perish. How to publish to increase your visibility and support your carrier?, ICM (Data Science Centre) UW, LaCH (Digital Humanities Lab) UW and BUW (University of Warsaw Library).
- September 2015–October2015: The Brain and Space, Duke University at
- June 2015–August 2015: The Bilingual Brain, Houston University at
- January 2015–May 2015: Understanding the Brain: The Neurobiology of Everyday Life, Chicago University at
- 04.2015: Professional development workshops for teachers of English on planning conversation lessons based on TED talks and interactive video, Lang LTC, Nowa Era, TED.
- 07–08.02.2015: Respeaking course at the Institute of Applied Linguistics, ILS UW.
- 04.2012: A well informed teacher = A well prepared student, the British Council
- October 2004–October 2010: Intercultural Studies Path at the Institute of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw, Institute of Applied Linguistics and Faculty of Oriental Studies.