dr Dorota Karczewska
- Position: Assistant Professor
- Department: Translation Studies
- Room: 3.621
- E-mail: d.karczewska@uw.edu.pl
- Duty hours: room 3.621, Tuesdays 13.15 – 14.00 (except for RW meetings); Wednesdays 10.30 – 11.15 (by appointment)
Education and degrees:
MA in Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw, 1992
Academic interests:
- translation studies
- ICT in teaching foreign languages
Teaching experience:
- translation workshops (translation from and to French)
- specialised terminology (previously)
- corrective language-skills workshops (first years of employment at the Institute)
Professional experience:
teaching assistant, Institute of Applied Linguistics UW, 1992 – to date
Research grants and studies:
- August 2003 – a two-week course for teachers of French to foreigners, Vichy (France), CAVILAM – Centre d’Approches Vivantes des Langues et des Médias Formation de Formateur en T.I.C.E.
- 1996 – a month course for teachers of foreign languages, organised by the TEMPUS Programme (Jep-8036): Granada (Spain), Universidad de Granada, Facultad de Traductores e Intérpretes, Retraining and updating: to study European Community institutions and law terminology for translation teaching purposes
- 1995 a month course for teachers of foreign languages, organised by the TEMPUS Programme (Jep-8036): Pavia (Italy), Università di Pavia, Istituto di Diritto Privato e Processuale, Retraining and updating: to study European Community institutions and law terminology for translation teaching purposes
- 1994 – a five-week course for teachers of French to foreigners, Rennes (France), Université Rennes 2, Centre de Formation des Traducteurs et Terminologues, Centre de Recherche sur les Applications de l’Informatique à l’Enseignement des Langues Session de formation en informatique, traduction, terminologie, documentation et définition de cursus
- 1993 – a month-long language grant, Annecy (France), Université de Savoie, Institut Savoisien d’Etudes Françaises
- February 2006 – European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) in Brussels – corrector in the competition for the EU language administrator (for the French language)
- January 2004 – European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) in Brussels – corrector in the competition for the EU assistant translators in French
- 2004 – 2006 – training sessions (duration of a few days, 2-3 times a year) in application of information and communication technologies in teaching
- September 2002 – June 2003 – training course in application of information and communication technologies in teaching entitled “Tworzenie i obsługa internetowego portalu dydaktycznego dla uczniów i nauczycieli języka francuskiego” (“Creation and maintenance of an education portal for the learners and teachers of French”)
- 6 training sessions (duration of a few days) held in Poland, addressed to teachers of French as a FL and subjects taught in French, organised through the cooperation of the French Embassy in Poland, the Polish educational portal Interkl@sa and the National In-Service Teacher Training Centre (CODN)
- October 2003 – to date – regional coordinator (Mazovian voivodship) for the application of ICT in teaching French as a foreign language (Multiplicator)