dr Józefina Inesa Piątkowska
Aktualizacja: 2024-10-18
- Position: Assistant Professor, Coordinator of the Russian Language Program
- Department: Semiotics
- Room: 3.047
- E-mail: j.i.piatkowska(at)uw.edu.pl
- Duty hours: Tuesday 13:15 – 14:00, Wednesday 9:00-9:45 (room 3.047)
Degrees Obtained
- PhD in the humanities (linguistics), University of Warsaw, 2010
- MA in Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw, 2006
- MA in Political Sciences, University of Warsaw, 2005
Studies Abroad
- Russian State Univeristy for the Humanities, Moscow, 2009
- Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, USA, 2006
- Université Robert Schuman, Strasbourg, France, 2003-2004
Other Diplomas
- Graduate Certificate in Second Language Acquisition – Polish, Institute of Applied Polish Studies, University of Warsaw, Poland, 2010
- Certificat d’Etudes Politiques Européennes, Université Robert Schuman, Strasbourg, France, 2004
- Poetry and poetics
- Translation studies (Intercultural Communication, and Intersemiotic Translation)
- Language policy
Teaching Experience
- Practical courses:
- Simultaneous Interpreting
- Consecutive Interpreting
- Literary Translation
- AVT (Audiovisual Translation)
- Translation for Theatre and Film
- News Translation
- Russian Language
- Lectures:
- Simultaneous Interpreting
- Consecutive Interpreting
- Literary Translation
- AVT (Audiovisual Translation)
- Translation for Theatre and Film
- News Translation
- Russian Language
Recent Scholarships
- Ionian University, Greece, Erasmus – STA, 2023
- Tel-Aviv University, Porter Institute of Poetics, Israel, Erasmus – STA, 2022
- Tel-Aviv University, Porter Institute of Poetics, Israel, Erasmus – STA, 2019
- Ionian University, Greece, Erasmus – STA, 2019
- Warsaw Scholarship for Poets and Poetry Translators, Warsaw City Council and Old Town Culture Centre, Poland, 2021
Administrative Service
- Coordinator of the Russian Language Program, Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw, 2018 – present
- Departmental Coordinator for Foreign Exchange, Institute of Applied Linguistics, University of Warsaw, 2015-2016
Recent Academic Publications
Edited Collections
- Piątkowska, J. i Giennadij Zeldowicz, eds. (2020) Znaki czy nie znaki? Struktura i semantyka utworów lirycznych. Tom 3. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. (In English, Polish and Russian)
Articles and Chapters in Peer-Reviewed Journals:
- On One Stylistic Trope in Zuzanna Polina Gincburg’s Poems. A Pragmatic Approach to the Instrumental Case of Comparison in Lyric Poetry. Pamiętnik Literacki. CXV, 3. 2024. Pp. 141-156. Full text (In Polish)
- Loneliness, Sadness and Irony: The Three Major Themes of Philip Larkin’s Poetry and Edward Hopper’s Paintings. Heteroglossia. 14. 2023. Pp. 45-65. (In Polish) Full text
- Experiencing Poetry. A Guidebook to Psychopoetics, van Peer, W. & Chesnokova, A., Bloomsbury Academics. Style. 57 (3). 2023. Pp. 402-407. Full text
- The Emotional Component of Irony in Anna Akhmatova’s Poems and Their Polish Translations. Przegląd Rusycystyczny. 4 (176). 2021. Pp. 97-114. doi: 10.31261/pr.10827 (In Russian) Full text
- Virginity Lost in Translation: The Analysis of Individual Style of Zuzanna Ginczanka in Polish Original Poems and Their Ukrainian Renditions. Przekładaniec. A Journal of Translation Studies. 40. 2020. Pp. 305-338. (In Polish) Full text
- The Function of Bounding and the Construal of Imagery in Zuzanna Ginczanka’s Poem “Dziewictwo” (“Virginity”) and Its Ukrainian Translation. Między Oryginałem a Przekładem. 1(47). 2020. Pp. 79-90.
- The Grounding Function of Tense/Aspect Morphology in Lyric Poetry; Analysis of Osip Mandelstam’s poems “The Wind Brought Us Solace…” and “This night, no lies…” In Znaki czy nie znaki? Tom 3. Struktura i semantyka utworów lirycznych (Piatkowska, J. i Zeldowicz, G., red.). Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. 2020. Pp. 231-247.
- The Lyric Present in English Rranslations of Russian Poetry: A Case Study of English Versions of Anna Akhmatova’s Poems. Translation and Interpreting Studies. 2. 2020. Pp. 183-202. doi: 10.1075/tis.19032.pia Abstract
- Marina Tsvetaeva’s “Poetics of the Word”: A Comparative Analysis of English and Polish Translations of the Poem “A sledujuŝij’ raz – gluhonemaja”… (“But the next time – deaf-mute”…). Tekstualia. 1(5). 2019. Pp. 67-78. Full text
- The Present Tense Forms with the Meaning of „Here and Now” in Anna Akhmatova’s Poems. Język i metoda. 6. 2019. Pp. 45-52. (In Russian)
- Discourse Functions of Tense and Aspect in Lyric Poetry – the Case of Miracle by Boris Pasternak. Studia Slavica Litteraria. 2. 2018. Pp. 53-69. (In Russian) Full text
- Structural Transformations of Gestural Phrasems in Marina Tsvetaeva’s Poems. Homo loquens. 11. 2018. Pp. 193-205. (In Russian)
- Poems by Juri Żiwago and Poems by Jurij Żywago – Polish Translation of the Cycle of Poems from Boris Pasternak’s Novel. In Tłumaczenie poezji – negocjowanie wyobraźni. Poszukiwania formy (Szczepan-Wojnarska, A.M i Mikołajko, A., red.). Wydawnictwa Naukowe UKSW. 2018. Pp. 71-89. (In Polish)
Conference Presentations
- “Pragmatics of Temporal Categories in Translating Elizabeth Bishop’s poem Chemin de Fer”, Imago Mundi Conference, University of Warsaw, September 2024
- “Textual Meaning in Translating Poetry – A Linguist’s Travel with John Keats from English into Polish”, 40th Annual Conference of the Poetics and Linguistics Association: Stylistics in the World, University of Sheffield Hallam, June 2024
- “Textual Functions in Translating Lyric Poetry – An Interlingual Travel with John Keats”, Annual Conference of the Polish Society of Applied Linguistics, University of Wroclaw, April 2024
- “Adjectives stretch like cats…: Nature and Grammar in Zuzanna Polina Gincburg’s Poetry”, 39th Annual Conference of the Poetics and Linguistics Association: Green Stylistics. Exploring Connections between Stylistics and the Environment, University of Bologna, July 2023
- “Rhetorical Relations Put into Action: A Pragmatic Approach to Elizabeth Bishop’s Poetry”, April Conference Fifteen. Humanity/Humanities, Jagiellonian University, April 2023
- “No Dangerous Liaisons, Just the Pragmatic Function of Discourse Relations in Lyric Poetry’”, 38th Annual Conference of the Poetics and Linguistics Association: Style and Senses, Aix-Marseille Université, July 2022
- “The Pragmatic Role of Tense and Aspect Switches in Lyric Poetry”, 30th Conference of the Polish Association for the Study of English, Transitions, Jagiellonian University, July 2022
- “The Structural Function of Events and Non-Events in the Poetic Cycle Don Juan by Marina Tsvetaeva”, 37th Annual Conference of the Poetics and Linguistics Association, University of Nottingham, July 2021
- „Marina Tsvetaeva’s Poetics of the Word in Polish Translations”, Poetry Translation – Negotiating of Imagination. Quest for Transcendence, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, May 2019
- Poetry Translation – Negotiating of Imagination. Quest for Transcendence, 6-7 maja 2019, Warszawa, Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego („Poetyka słowa Mariny Cwietajewej w przekładzie na język polski”)
- „Virginity Lost in Translation: On Ukrainian Renditions of Zuzanna Polina Gincburg’s Poems”, Imago Mundi, University of Warsaw, 2018
- “Suggestivness through iconicity in lyric poetry”, 38th Annual Conference of the Poetics and Linguistics Association, University of Birmingham, July 2018
- „Contrastive Grammar in Teaching Simultaneous Interpreting”, Russian Language: Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language and Translation/Interpreting Teaching, University of Warsaw, May 2018
- American Satire and Humor: Forms of Comic Expresson in American Culture, 6-10 grudnia 2017, Moskwa, Rosja, Russian Society of American Culture oraz Moskiewski Państwowy Uniwersytet im. Łomonosowa (“Emotional component of irony in English translations of Anna Akhmatova’s poetry”)
- 37th Annual Conference of the Poetics and Linguistics Association, 19-22 lipca 2017, Filadelfia , USA, West Chester University/PALA (“What’s in a Verb? – Discourse Functions of Tense and Aspect in Narrative Lyric Poetry”)
- III Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa «Язык и метод. Русский язык в лингвистических исследованиях ХХ века», 17-19 maja 2017, Kraków, Uniwersytet Jagielloński („Лиричесое настоящее в переводах лирики Анны Ахматовой на английский язык”)
- “Imago Mundi”, Warszawa, 2015 (“Gramatyczne środki nadawania pierwszoplanowości w liryce – na przykładzie oryginałów i polskich przekładów wierszy Osipa Mandelsztama”)
- PALA 2015: 35th Annual Conference of the Poetics and Linguistics Association, University of Kent, Canterbury, (“The Grounding Function of Tense/Aspect Morphology in Lyric Poetry. The Case of Osip Mandelstam”)
- New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics, Łódź, 2015 (“Grounding through Tense/Aspect Morphology in Lyric Poetry. The Case of Boris Pasternak”)
- EUROPHRAS, Paris, 2014 (“Transformations of Gestural Phrasemes in Marina Tsvetaeva’s Poetry”)
- New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics, Lodz, 2012 (“Non-Salient Meaning of Zero Signs as a Source of Suggestiveness in Lyrics”)
- „Imago Mundi”, Warsaw, 2010 („Sugestia – wyzwanie dla tłumacza”)
- „Transaltio i literatura”, Warsaw, 2009 („Poziom agentywności a przekład (Na przykładzie „Nocy zimowej” B. Pasternaka”)
- «Эволюция поэтической речи» (seminar), Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, 2009 («Суггестивность в древнеиндийской поэтики Анандавардханы»)
- «Экология малых языков» (seminar), Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, 2009, («Малые языки Европы»)
- «Проблемы поэтического языка» (seminar), Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 2009 («Выбор между восстановимыми и невосстановимыми эллипсисами как маркер композиции и икона замысла в стихотворениях М. И. Цветаевой»)
- „Polsko-rosyjskie językowe, literackie i kulturalne kontakty”, Moscow, 2009 («Поэтика суггестии в лирике Марины Цветаевой в оригинале и в польских переводах»)
- “Interpreting for Relevance”, Kazimierz, 2008 (“From metaphor to explicature: a composition pattern of Marina Tsvetaeva’s poetry”)
- „Imago Mundi”, Warsaw, 2007 („Lingwistyczne aspekty kompozycji wierszy Mariny Cwietajewej pt. Do Błoka – w oryginale i w polskich przekładach”)
- „Political Linguistics”, Warsaw, 2007 („Language Policy Discourse Analysis: The Case of The Year of Russian Language”)
- „La globalisation communicationnelle: enrichissement et menace pour les langues”, Gdańsk, 2007 („Are Regional Languages Beneficiaries of European Integration? – The Case of France”)
- „Quo Vadis Lingua?” IV, Warsaw, 2006 („Obraz mężczyzn i kobiet w poezji ruchu New Formalism”)
- „Imago Mundi”, Warsaw, 2005 („O wpływie intertekstualności na obraz przekładu”)