dr Kenji Miura
Position: Assistant (Teaching Staff)
- Department of Translation Studies (Japanese section)
- Room: 1.047
- E-mail: k.miura@uw.edu.pl
- Duty hours: Tuesday 1:00-2:00, Thursday 1:30-2:30
Aktualizacja: [last-modified]
- I earned my Master’s degree in Linguistics at Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, in 2008. My Master’s thesis concerned the confrontational description of Japanese and Slovak at the lexicographic level.
Research interests
- My scientific interests include Japanese and Sinological linguistics as well as the methodology of teaching didactics of Japanese language and didactics of this language in the area of the Polish language.
Teaching experience
- Since October 2016, I have been working as a lecturer at the Institute of Applied Linguistics in the Japanese language section, where have I run classes in practical language, as well as in early school education, and language workshops.
Professional organisations – membership
- I participated as a speaker in scientific symposiums organized by the Polish and Japanese Lexicography Research Group and by the Institute of Applied Linguistics (ILS).
- I have prepared articles for publication, where I analysed the use of Japanese verbs in teaching Polish-speaking students. These articles will soon be published in „Poradnik Językowy” and in collective volumes.